*   The Earth  



The never-ending God, Please Help us all to understand Peace and Love !



Hope for Freedom, Peace and Love 







    Nostradamus said; The holy prayer numbers will decrease when.. TV!


All this texstboxes I did give the world between year 1995 –2005 the time the true about  the world came close to me..

 when I am in true, the God give me bless and true!

But some evil try to destroy all people inn pure love, Please don’t destroy..

 I Wish you learn about peace love. I cant all best. But I can understand almost all.. its my gift!

I understand much more than Greta Thunberg 25 years before,..

But i understand more now.. I like her. I Wish; Do you want plants more trees to reduce co2 !.

But Climate change has been going on since about 12 000 years ago…

.when the ice was one to two kilometers thick over the nordic region...

But i like most of green thinking people.. but somebody its to evil inside. for destroy.

We can only make the world better without hate, but with Peace and love, in communicate and wisdom!

The big citys/towns around the world, need to have more green parks/area all over the place and on the roofs…

Great ships on the sea must in the future be built eco friendly.

The world has 300 000 large ships.. which should rather be powered by Thorium technology..

 which in turn drive electric motors or which heat up steam for steam engines..

 and ships are equipped with Solarcells and sails to save fuel.. Crude oil which is consumed in huge quantities…

but this cannot be changed in a day.. the world still needs time… God Help Us!

Industry and air-traffic must pollute less in the future before the poorest are judged!

But I think… Volcanoes in Iceland and under the Atlantic ocean are the biggest reason that the ice melts.

Ashes and dust melt the ice faster after 14. April 2010

 (No-Fly Atlantic ocean)

I am more afraid of large amounds of soot and dust from ship, industry and volcanoes..

than I am of CO2 – Oxygen as are natural gases the world needs in additio

n to more the world can balance this if more are planted forest and desert are made green !

Caught Methan gases - Must uses to warming house and to produce electricity

Don’t Judge the Cows.. they should have been almost holy in a green nature!

We must learn to live with the fact that the ocean rises some! 

Ancient writings have warned people against building houses and cityes on the sandy and clay,

Old books tell us; build your houses on the mountains.

For about 8200 to 10 000 years ago.. There were some big tsunamis in the Atlantic ocean.

 Half of Canada with flood of freshwater, because a 2-3 km high glacier hold all water..

 but it was a big tsunami when the dam burst and enormous amounts of ice and water ended up in the sea/ocean. (Sin-River)

At that time… the atmosphere was 2 to 3 degrees Celsius warmer than it is in our time. The world endures much more than many people will endure.

But the world cannot bear all that is man-made!!!

But before the humans polluted.. the Storegga.. was the undersea landslide in the Atlantic Ocean.

They made and probably several huge tsunamis.. at this time.. the seas rose. And the currents changed.

And the “Doggerland” between Denmark to Britania…

maybe Atlantis too sinking under the ocean because the weight of large masses of water pushed the eart`s crust down.

Today some of this areas are shallow seas.. called Doggerbank!

Some of my/our first ancestors migrated via old Germania over Doggerland and glaciers to get north along the coast…

 and some of them died in tsunamis.




Its to difficult in our world now!                                         Please save the rainforest and priority stop burning forest!

Oases must be build. And wells have to be drilled...

 Water needs to be cleaned – Industry must be built to purify seawater into fresh water..

Large Channels should be dug from the sea and into the desert around modern oases,

The world needs more dadles, cocoa and fruits for food to people and animals

Lot of  seawater in channels into the desert, will make more clouds and more rain as clean the air an give us more freshwater

Lot of trees, much forest must be planted over the world, every people as planted a tree will have a happy soul in love..

Trees eat Co2 and give us oxygen fresh air,  Keep positive thinking and wish all people a better time in the future..

don’t give up,

Never give up!

After war and disasters, new countrys must build, people need to get back to their countries. In love and peace,

all have the right to their fait, and one land and stay in! The world has been build before, and will builds again in the future.

But build future world with peace Love and Wisdom

-Help us God-

The world’s major cityes have the Climate Crisis, that can be solved with electric cars, treeplanting and lot of green parks!

But the world has an environmental crisis -  Enviroment-distaster with garbage and waste.

Much on the because of large tsunamis, hurricanes and tornadoes, ship with large cargo and plane crash.

That send to much  garbage in to the Oceans!!!


Not all People are guilty of everything, I mean is not guilty of everything!

As much as people throwing waste in the nature.

But man must clean up, and carefully plan;

Create modern things of the ancient degradable materials!

The world must be able to withstand animal husbandry production of meat, wool and leather,

however, we shall succeed… But The World Must Have Enough Trees!!!

And Some Trees Must Bear Good Fruits!!!

My father who as gardener said to me just before he died:

Plant Trees and Plant fruit-trees!!!

We need them in the future!

Our clothes, shoes, décor, seats, beds, coverings in cars, ships and aircraft.

have to be produced by plants, trees metal, and animals..,

Because it goes back to the earth without contaminate the world!!!

But the animals now must live most natural, with plenty of room and Good care.

Negative thoughts.. create a bad world - People are different culture,

Love them all under the never-ending God.


When I am were young and quite an adult boy..

I thought like Yoda teaches to Luke Skywalker about the “FORCE - The Power” in star-wars..

That movie is fantasy.. but the God who is in every atom and thus in eventually electron..

Is the eternal real God that that is not possible to make a picture of !

Back then I had gone to church at Sunday school and learned

about God`s which should not become fantasy…



The Eternal Power  with many names:


The Eternal






Wakan Tanka



Shang Di



The keeper of the Cosmos

And many more names!!!

Thor is not a man as in Norse mythology..

 but a symbol of the same eternal power who makes lighting and thunder...

which is found in every electron around every atomic nucleus in the entire infinite cosmos.

The Vikings created an image of a man who controlled lighting/flash and thunder..

all life is electric and electricity is magnetism and gravity in one complex eternal picture,

and the oscillations of electrons.. 

can store memories in water molecules and the magnetism of electricity forever.

Notting is Greater than the eternal!



They all mean the same great God!


But original native people made different stories and name about God!

Please Love them all for Peace!

But everyone needs their own country and friends in all countries!

-God Bless You-

The Eternal Conscious Power of God is Greater than All.

What the  ancient holy prophets, we wanted Loved.

But please love the  difficult world too , if you not believe in all!

But there are conscious forces out there and down here.

That are stronger than us humans... many of these should not have been called Gods..

but perhaps equated with archangels or saints…

If Thor is an eternal God. He is the same God as Abraham`s God..

God who created everything.. and then Odin and the son Balder would only be Saint or archangels under Him!?

Who would then be exactly the same God as Abraham`s God – God Yahweh/Jahve – Allah etc, etc.

But created by Viking Philosophy and fairy tales…

and if Odin was a warlord who was honored to the Saint after his death..

and the good son Balder as was light and love such a good man that he was deified…

 he said that at Ragnarok he would return to judge the living and the dead!

But Odin and Balder is Not Gods if they exist in a lower heavenly realm..

but maybe strong angels over Scandinavian?!

Should it be that these exist out there..

I hope both Balder and Lord Jesus Christ/Lord Jesu Whitechrist...

who say he will judge the Living and Dead.. become friends before they judge the rest of us here in the north!

I am Believe both Lord Moses an Lord Jesu were saviors who came with Love and good news to all people!

The Lord Jesu Christ believe in Moses Ten Commanders, mercy and forgiveness.

And I am Believe in the Love from their God, as prophets told us to pray for!

Like a children love in Light and Love, I believe He will love everyone as are in light and Love as a children.

I am not religious… but freethinking…

but He said.. no one will enter the kingdom of heaven without being like a child

If Balder Exist.. I think Lord Jesu WhiteCrist love Him too… Well as a good philosophy!

!!!For Peace and Love!!!

Peace and Love… is a hope and wish for everyone in a difficult time.. Amen!



I don’t believe in the end of the world now,

But some corners is in darkness temporary!



Save the earth without negativity!!!

-Isnt easy-


The people have to clean up after wars, industry and littering..

it will probably take 300 years to get this necessary job done..

But there is hope for a good world for almost everyone in the future.. After bad years!





Thank you to all of you who cultivates the earth; rice, corn, cocoa and other edible fruits and vegetables!

Thank you to all of who provide people clean drinking water-

Thank you to you who are doing the best you can for all,

 Thank you for you did plant trees !!

God bless You!




But don’t be extremism in your way. Please help your friends to understand in peace and Love… the wars will destroy to much!

 Please try to save your own small island around your self as you will save the earth, and please save your heart or make the heart if you have lost it!

The people as have a black inside are more black, when if the people with black face have a white inside, they are white humans.. No matter the race !


I have a Bible… but:

In the Holy Koran; 

     The Holy Prophet Muhammad said:

“(Jesu)The son of (Santa) Mariah, is a right belief prophet,” The Holy Bible said; “

Jesu, The Lord is the way,, the truth and the life!”

Messiah = The messenger of God = The  Prophet.


I wish in the name of the ghost of Viking kings of Norwegian..

And in Lord Jesu WhiteChrist as are the King Davids descendant/related.

He said; we are all the child of the God, old people as young people…

and some people without religions too…


But in love to all people, animal and nature, and God bless the food we must eat!

Salvation are freedom Bless the God... never ending power in the micro Cosmos

And in never ending cosmos.. It was always.. We can’t understand this !

Peace and Love !!!            Stop the war!!!              God Help us!!!




I am not religious, but I did believe in all religions have lot of wisdom,

I have strong believe in a never-ending high power in Cosmos, God as friend!

I believe in Love and hope for Peace

Humans make to much joke or evil  because they are different politics or religions.

Let them all believe in love and own religions or philosophies!

And Love their as different are as friends!

I am not bigger than another people, I am not smaller than them too!

But I give them all of my heart, longer time than you? Maybe!

Don’t play with me!

I’ll be back soon!

Born in Christianity,

 born to Love all Indians, and American native Indians too!

Born as Vikings.

Dear God Hear everyone`s prayer !



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